The Roundabouts of Barbados
- At November 12, 2013
- By Jessica
- In News
As if it isn’t confusing enough for this American to be driving on the left side of the road rather than the right, Barbados adds the “roundabout” to the mix. Of the several definitions of “roundabout” in the dictionary I suspect “devious” is the most apt. On the ABC Highway alone that runs between the airport and One Sandy Lane I counted 13 of these confusing circumlocutions, mostly named after the founding fathers (and sisters) of Barbadian independence. I cannot tell you how many times my car keeps orbiting the grassy knolls dedicated to Everton Weeks, Clyde Wolcott, et al before choosing one direction to pursue in an “eeny, meeny, mighty, mo” fashion. My advice to travelers to Barbados: stay on the beach and off the roads!